Frequently Asked Questions
What payout methods do you support?
You can check the payout methods here.
Can I set my payouts to manual?
No, we support only automatic payouts.
When will I receive my payout?
We will proceed with your payout within 1-5 business days of a new month.
What are your payment terms?
We provide only monthly payouts.
What is the payout fee?
You can view the fees next to each payout method.
What payout currencies do you support?
We support payouts in all currencies. Please add your requirements in the Notes.
What is the minimum payout amount?
The minimum amount depends on your preferred payout method.
How do I receive my payout?
At the beginning of the new month, we will automatically send you the payout for the previous month.
How do I change my payout information?
Log in to your account and update your information in the Profile settings.
How often can I request the payout?
You can request one payout, every week.